ShopSimon™ sellers have the ability to set their own business days, business hours, and holidays in the ShopSimon™ portal. This feature also allows sellers to display more accurate expected delivery dates on the ShopSimon™ site and ultimately preserve their overall shipment performance rating.
To access this feature: Shop Simon Portal > Settings > Retailer > Business Calendar
How To Configure Business Days
- In the "Business days and hours" section, click to set the business days (or "working days") of the week - Click Save.
How To Configure Opening Hours
- In the "Open from" and "To" sections, click the respective select time fields to set the opening and closing hours - Click Save.
How To Configure Holidays
- In the "Business holidays" section, click Add (The "Add a holiday" window appears).
- Enter a Name.
- Enter a Code - this code allows displaying the correct translation for the holiday name on the seller's portal.
- Enter a Date.
- Check the Recurring event box if the holiday is repeated on the same date every year.
- Click .
Please contact ShopSimon™ Seller Support if you have any questions or need additional information -