See below list of items that ShopSimon™ prohibits. This list is not exhaustive, as there may be other items that ShopSimon™ prohibits. ShopSimon™ strives to maintain high quality and reserves the right to modify our list of Restricted Products at any time. There may be exceptions to this list where ShopSimon™ authorizes pre-approved retailers to sell an item or category on this list on a case-by-case basis.
- Anything illegal, whether to sell in the US, or any products that are illegal on a state or municipal level
- Alcoholic beverages
- Animals
- Body-piercing or body-piercing equipment
- Branding or branding equipment
- Currency, coins, cash equivalents, and gift cards
- Drugs or other controlled substances or products that are intended to simulate illegal drugs (or items containing them)
- Drug paraphernalia
- Dietary supplement containing ephedrine group alkaloids
- Explosives, including fireworks
- Hazardous or dangerous chemicals (or items containing them)
- Guns, guns parts, and ammunition
- Lottery tickets or games
- Medical goods, including (1) products that require FDA clearance or approval and have not been cleared or approved by the FDA for over-the-counter use or (2) certain other medical devices (regardless of FDA clearance or approvals) such as catheters or hearing aids - please contact us with any questions
- Real property and real estate
- Recalled products
- Stocks and other securities
- Tattoos or tattoo equipment
- Tobacco or products that contain tobacco, or any other product containing nicotine
- Any material, including books, articles, magazines, photographs, recordings, videos, motion pictures with sexually explicit, pornographic, obscene content
- Tanning equipment
Please contact ShopSimon™ Seller Support if you have any questions or need additional information -