If you selected the manual campaign option, you must create an Adgroup to start advertising. You will need to define the Adgroup name, duration dates, budget type and amount, keywords to target, products to sponsor and bidding option.
Create Adgroup
1. Select 'Create adgroup'
2. Enter Adgoup name.
3. Enter Start date (end date - optional)
4. Budget Type - Set your adgroup budget paramenters
- Type - Daily or Lifetime (if you choose lifetime, the ad ends once that budget has been met)
- Budget amount - Daily or Lifetime total
5. Products - Choose from 'Automate' or 'Manage Selection' to identify what products you would like to feature. If you automate, it will utilize your top 200 skus (GMV). If you 'Manage Selection,' you can select which items to feature in your ad. Brands are able add or remove the items featured in an ad at any time. Once an items runs out of inventory, that ad will stop delivering.
6. Enter the keywords you wish to bid on. Keywords can be added or removed after an ad has been created/launched. Brands have the option to automate keywords.
7. Define maximum bid price (CPC) you are willing to pay for a click on your ad. You can choose the automated option (the CPC will automatically be adjusted to maximize ACos) or make your own selection.
8. Hit the 'Create' button.
See below for sample form to create adgroup:
Adgroup Optimization
To make changes to an adgroup, simply click on the adgroup name in the campaign dashboard.
Common areas to adjust are:
- Budget parameters
- Products used in the ad
- Search keywords
- Cost per click
Continual monitoring and optimization of ads is common practice and will produce the best results.
Please contact ShopSimon™ Seller Support if you have any questions or need additional information - sellersupport@shopsimon.com