Retailers will receive an order notification anytime a new order is received. They can also monitor order activity directly in the ShopSimon™ portal:
Viewing Orders
By clicking on the order number you can access the order’s details and will see all details from the order.
You can also download a CSV file of all the information displayed by clicking on the blue drop-down button on the top right corner.
ShopSimon™ Portal - List of orders
ShopSimon™ Portal - Order detail page
Order Process
To process an order in the ShopSimon™ portal, an order must first be accepted or rejected. This can be done in bulk or at the order level.
Once ready to ship, please add shipping details - carrier & tracking info - to the portal complete the order processing.
Understanding Order Status
- Pending Acceptance - order awaiting acceptance
- Shipping in Progress - order has been accepted, waiting on carrier/tracking information to be added
- Shipped - order has been shipped
- Received - order has been shipped and received by customer
- Rejected - order has been rejected by either retailer or operator
- Cancelled - order has been cancelled by either retailer or operator
- Refunded - return has been received and refund has been processed
Shipping Deadline
This is a system generated date and should viewed as date customer receives order.
Please contact ShopSimon™ Seller Support if you have any questions or need additional information -