Occasionally there may be questions around a ShopSimon™ order, often related to the product and/or shipment. A customer will reach out to the ShopSimon™ customer service team, who will then reach to the retailer via the 'Messaging Tool' in the portal. These messages will also be sent directly to the retailer's users email inbox and will also be available in the ShopSimon™ portal at the order.
See below for an example email/notification:
To find 'Messages' at the order level:
1. Click on 'Orders' > Enter order # into 'Order ID' field
2. Click on 'Messages' tab
3. A history of all communication on this order will be stored in this section.
You can also access 'Messages' by clicking 'View' in the Messages section on the main dashboard
By selecting 'My Messages' on the top tool bar:
ShopSimon™ will facilitate all communication between the retailer and customer. This tool is how we will make that happen. Please make sure a team member is always responsive to the ShopSimon™ 'Messages' as they are a very important part of maintaining a high level of service to customers and our overall operation.
Click here to make sure your account is set up to receive order messages
Please contact ShopSimon™ Seller Support if you have any questions or need additional information - sellersupport@shopsimon.com